Like the famous game of thrones quote “winter is coming” we also warn you of the dangers that lurk in darkness but instead of “Night king” it’s the germs that endanger your health in winter season
With the arrival of winter, out comes warm sweaters, cheerful beanies, woven scarves, and think jeans but winter is not only about warm clothes and hot chocolates. It’s also about runny nose and bouts of cough, only if you are lucky enough - For tackling the bacteria and viruses that surface with the drop in temperatures and the resultant effects, is another predicament.
A rapid increase in incidence of allergies, lung related diseases, asthma, respiratory infections, and other communicable diseases is also evident throughout winter. You might think it’s only because of the change in temperature but poor hygiene practices and ignored health advices are to blame too.
Ensure ventilation
You might be feeling as if its absolute zero outside and would love a snuggle up in your cozy blanket with doors and windows closed but do you know what is hiding in there with you? Yes, microorganisms and that too in large quantity.
These pesky microbes love to hide in damp and dark places with an ideal temperature to breed and your room might be the safe haven they were looking for, eagerly. Studies have recorded exponential multiplication and proliferation rates for any germs in such areas and this is why you need to make sure that you are letting plenty of fresh air inside by opening windows, preferably in morning because that also allows access to essential sunrays. A few minutes of fresh air and sunshine can work wonders for your damp room.
Sterilize your mattresses and comforters
Though we don’t pay much attention to these things pretty much during the summer but mattresses and comforters are our dear escape pods offering us heat and warmth during the winters.
For things that protect us from freezing cold, necessarily need to be disinfected or cleaned and this you can do by sunning them out, simply. Sun light equipped with powerful ultraviolet rays is a known terminator of sorts of microorganisms and this process can be carried out when the sun is up. Take your razais inside after dark because they might end up going damp and might add to skin problems.
Wash your comfy woolens
Your lovely sweaters and cool jacket don’t get washed for the whole winter and this can lead to accumulation of bacteria, dust, and grime over and under the woolen. You can always add a laundry sanitizer when you are washing these woolens. Just be sure of the type of fabric with which you are dealing and choose any product or detergent accordingly.
Don’t give up on bathing
Yes, we know winter is here but it doesn’t mean that you don’t need a bath because your body has stopped sweating. You should know that your body has neither stopped sweating nor secreting sebum, if anything it is now secreting more because you have a dry skin. A bath with moisturizing shower gel is not only great for your skin care but also for infection control because this way you are not letting any dead skin cells and microbes make home on your body.
Eliminating the secretion build-up by taking a bath with lukewarm water is a great way to maintaining your body hygiene and body temperature too. Bathing with extremely hot water leads to dilated capillaries under the skin and open pores prone to infection. So always use lukewarm water to bath.
Love your sun
While it can be very cozy and “alluring” to stay in your comfy bed all day, heading out to absorb the goodness of sun can be really beneficial for your health. Sunlight packed with vitamin D and antibacterial properties might replenish and strengthen your drained immune system. Therefore, consume as much sunlight as you can by waking up early and fresh.
Hand hygiene
In winters, cold water might be discouraging when one has to wash hands frequently but when it’s not an issue then maintaining your hand hygiene routine should not be a problem. Centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) recommends washing hands with bar soap and water for 20 seconds. You can use liquid soap, Dettol hand wash, or any one that you like but make sure that you are washing hands frequently throughout the day so that your hands stay clean and free of germs.